
Welcome to Agathist. This is a space dedicated to those who see the glass as half-full. Who believe that one person can change the world. Who know that we are responsible for and dependent upon one another.

“All is well!”—so the optimists cry,
Which the pessimists say is a lie,
While the agathists state
There’s a happier fate
That we’ll happen upon, by and by.

Tim Alborn


Panel 1


Agathist: n. from Greek-derived agath- (good): a person who believes all things tend toward ultimate good.

Agathism accepts that essentially bad things can happen, but even so, good will come. And that’s what I’m feeling these days. America has entered a significant period in its history. In many ways, malevolence seemingly surrounds us.

But I believe in the ultimate good that will eventually come.

A little about me….I’m a 40-something mom of school-aged children. A Progressive, Christian Texan (yes, such a thing does exist). I teach at one of the most diverse public universities in the U.S. And nonprofit advocacy work is “my thing” (with a special interest in education and child welfare).

Panel 2
